Hi Parents! Week of August 20-24, 2018

Home / News / Hi Parents! Week of August 20-24, 2018

Dear Parents,

Hoping you had a great weekend and that your children enjoyed our first week back!

This week, we are receiving the student applications to become leaders in the MS Student Council. It is exciting to see our kids taking a step towards greater responsibility and opportunity. The campaign will run from the 20th August until the 3rd September, with students creating posters, making speeches and looking to win the hearts and minds of their peers in the middle school.

Also, our middle schoolers will be finalizing their elective choices for the year, please check that they have returned their slips to school so that we can correctly add them into Powerschool and their schedules. Powerschool should be available to our students this week. We will let you know once it has been fully set up for them.

This Friday, will be house meetings; this means that it is a house day. Please remind your children to wear their house colors and bring the spirit of Knowledge, Peace, Integrity and Spirituality on Friday. They will be organizing house captains and creating their house communities for the coming year’s events and activities. It’s an important of the getting involved process.

For your information, starting on the 3rd September will be MAP testing for our MS students: they will be testing (in order) Reading, Math, and Language. Students will be informed as to when they will be taking them. You can help you child by reminding them of the upcoming assessment, how it is a way for teachers to better understand their students’ levels; the greater focus our students show when taking MAP, the more we as a team can support their growth

I will endeavor to keep you all updated on the goings on here at the school. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here @ KPIS

Warm regards,

Mr. Ben

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